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Installing BDOW! on Google Tag Manager
Installing BDOW! on Google Tag Manager
Cassandra Campbell avatar
Written by Cassandra Campbell
Updated over a week ago

Installing BDOW! through GTM App

Want to install BDOW! (formerly Sumo) through GTM with a couple of clicks? No problem.

1 Go to our GTM App page

2 Click Connect BDOW!

3 Log into the Google account that has your GTM account(s) If you have multiple GTM Accounts, select the Account you want to add Sumo to. Otherwise, skip this step!

4 If you have multiple GTM Containers, select the Container you want to add BDOW! to. Otherwise, skip this step!

5 Click Install BDOW!

6 Navigate to and login with your desired credentials (if you're not logged in already).


7 Click Manage next to your newly created site, then configure your BDOW! forms how you would like.


8 That's it! Now visit your site, and you should see your newly created form!

Note: If you don't see your BDOW! form on your site, we suggest clearing both your browser's and site's cache.

Changing your tag's SiteID

If you need to change your SiteID, you can do that in a few easy steps!

1 Go to our GTM App page

2 Click Connect BDOW!

3 Log into the Google account that has your GTM account(s) If you have multiple GTM Accounts, select the Account you want to add BDOW! to. Otherwise, skip this step!

4 If you have multiple GTM Containers, select the Container you want to add BDOW! to. Otherwise, skip this step!

5 Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Change BDOW! Site ID

6 Enter the new SiteID (or click "Get New Site ID" to generate a fresh one)

7 Click Save Changes!

Note: If you don't see the changes take place on your website after saving, you'll need to clear your cache. Click the link below the success message for instructions

Installing BDOW! through GTM manually

Note: Google Tag Manager (GTM) must be placed in your HTML <head> for BDOW! to work properly.

1 First, you'll need your unique BDOW! siteID . Copy your siteID to your clipboard for step 5.

2 Login to Google Tag Manager and click on your Account Name.

3 Click the Add a new tag box and then the Tag Configuration box.

4 Click the Choose a tag type to begin setup… box and choose Custom HTML tag type.

5 Copy and paste in the BDOW! install code provided below. Replace YOUR SITEID HERE with the siteID from step 1 and place it in the in the Configure Tag HTML box.

GTM install script:

<script>document.write("<scr"+"ipt async>(function(s,u,m,o,j,v){j=u.createElement(m);v=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0];j.async=1;j.src=o;j.dataset.sumoSiteId='YOUR_SITEID_HERE';v.parentNode.insertBefore(j,v)})(window,document,'script','//');</scr"+"ipt>");</script>

6 Check the box that says Support document.write below the HTML box and Click the Save button in the top right.

7 In the No Triggers Selected box, click the Add Trigger button.

8 Choose the All Pages option and click the Save button in the top right.

9 Name the "BDOW!" and click the Save button.

10 Publish the latest Workspace Changes in GTM by clicking the Submit button.

For more information about installing the Google Tag Manager snippet, visit Google’s Quick Start Guide.

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